We are grateful to all who made gifts between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021, including these generous individuals and institutions.

Gifts of $100,000 or more

Acacia Conservation Fund

Action Now Initiative, LLC

AeLK Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie, III

Jonathan and Kathleen Altman Foundation

Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin

The David R. and Patricia D. Atkinson Foundation

G. Leonard Baker, Jr. and Mary Anne Nyburg Baker

Barr Foundation

D N Batten Foundation

The Batten Foundation

Anita and Joshua Bekenstein

Bezos Earth Fund

Michael D. Bills

Mr. Robert A. Billstein

Jeff and Tina Bird

Bloomberg Philanthropies

David Bonderman

William K. Bowes, Jr. Foundation

Breakthrough Energy

Bridgemill Foundation

Brunckhorst Foundation

The Builders Initiative

The Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment

Catena Foundation

The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (U.K.)

Clean Air Fund

The Clifford Family Foundation

Climate Imperative Foundation

ClimateWorks Foundation

Fundación Colibrí

Corio Foundation

Cornerstone Foundation

Phoebe Cowles and Robert Girard

Tench and Simone Coxe

J. Taylor and Suzanne Crandall

Rachel Crane

The Crown Family

Aart de Geus and Esther John

Judy and Jamie Dimon

John and Ann Doerr

Fiona and Stanley Druckenmiller

The Eaglemere Foundation

Earth and Humanity Foundation

Educational Foundation of America

Energy Action Fund

Energy Foundation

D. Wilson and Lili Ervin

The Eucalyptus Foundation

Kirsten J. Feldman and Hugh Frater

The Joseph and Marie Field Family Environmental Foundation

The Ford Foundation

The Goodnow Fund

The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment

Mr. Philip and Ms. Alicia Hammarskjold

Hampshire Foundation

Heising-Simons Action Fund

Heising-Simons Foundation

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

George Hickmet

High Meadows Foundation

High Tide Foundation

Houston Endowment, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hume

The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation

King Philanthropies

Kingfisher Foundation

Seth and Beth Klarman

Sidney R. Knafel

Kung Guerra Foundation

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Susan and Stephen Mandel

McCall MacBain Foundation

The McCance Foundation

The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation

Ian and Julie McGuire

The Meadows Foundation

Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C.

Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation

Kathryn and James Murdoch

Paul E. Murray

Maizy Myers

New Venture Fund

Lynn and Nick Nicholas

Nike Matching Gift Program

Oak Foundation

Susan and Bill Oberndorf

Gilman Ordway Charitable Lead Trust

Signe Ostby and Scott Cook, Valhalla Foundation

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The Panaphil and Uphill Foundations

Passport Foundation

Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Pisces Foundation

Judith Powelson

Quadrivium Foundation

Gary Rappeport

Rauner Family Foundation

Robertson Foundation

The Edward John and Patricia Rosenwald Foundation

Paul and Ann Sagan

The Sall Family Foundation

Sand Hill Foundation

Schlein Family Foundation

Simons-Heising Family Fund

Skoll Foundation

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

The Sobecki Family Foundation

Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust

Fred and Alice Stanback

Martin F. Sticht

The Stiefel Behner Charitable Fund

Stiftung ProEvolution

Lise Strickler and Mark Gallogly

The Tang Fund

Tinker Foundation

The Viola Fund

David S. Vogel and Thais Lopez Vogel

VoLo Foundation

The Walton Family Foundation

World Resources Institute

Wy’east Foundation

Yang Yamazaki Donor Advised Fund

Yellow Chair Foundation

Zegar Family Foundation

ZOMA Foundation

41 anonymous donors

Gifts of $25,000 or more

Walter and Alice Abrams Family Fund

Amazon Services, LLC

Gerry and Lizann Anderson

Dr. Marcia Ann Angle and Mr. Mark Trustin

Astera Fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Robert Aulgur

Robert J. Bauer Family Foundation

William and Debbie Becker

Jan and Larry Birenbaum

Sarah Boles

Shelby W. and Carol Bonnie

Branson Family Foundation

Bresky Foundation

Janet Brownstone and Andrew W. Verhalen

Ann and Larry Burns

Shawn and Brook Byers

C.J.L. Charitable Foundation

Caldwell Fisher Family Foundation

Kevin T. Callaghan

Thomas Canfield

Central Texas Hill Country

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF

Lois Chiles

Kimberly and William Chisholm

The Concordia Foundation

C. David Cook

Crow Hill Foundation

Leslie Dach and Mary Dickie

Michael and Carol Danaher

Dancing Tides Foundation

Ray and Dagmar Dolby Fund

Susan Ford Dorsey

Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

Ralph Earle and Jane Mendillo Charitable Gift Fund

Walter and Ursula Eberspacher Foundation


Elhapa Foundation, Inc.

Emmett Foundation

Grier Eubanks

Julie Falconer

Wayne L. Feakes

Daniel and Aimee Feuser

The Fine & Greenwald Foundation, Inc.

Jeanne Donovan Fisher

Flora Family Foundation

Robert T. Foley

Robert and Michelle Friend

Etienne Gabel

Sara and Damon Gadd Family Foundation

Mary C. Gale

Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation

Ellen B. Godsall

James B. Godshalk, Jr. and Marjorie Lundy

Family of Sue and Tim Gomes

The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation

Robert and Katherine Haas

Susie Hairston and Charles Soparkar

Ruth and Ben Hammett

Kenneth and Kathy Hao

Jessie M. Harris

The Robert and Shirley Harris Family Foundation

Dr. Kathryn S. Heath and Mr. Henry Thomas Webb, III

Jeri Herrmann

The Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation

Steven C. Holtzman

Roni Horn

Scott and Betsy Howard

HRH Foundation

Marshall and Yuko Hung Foundation

Instituto Centro de Vida

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Tony James

H. Fisk Johnson

The Honorable Thomas H. Kean

Diane Kerly

F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.

James M. Klosty

Levine Family Foundation

Michael Lowenstein

Bryan MacPherson and Pamela Van Hine

Mariel Foundation

Martin Foundation

Gina Maya and Richard Capelouto

Tom and Musa Mayer

William E. and Marie Rasic McGlashan

Wilhelm Merck and Nonie Brady

Thomas and Barbara Metcalf

Jerry Meyer and Nina Zingale

J S & S Michaan Foundation

Constance Hoguet Neel

Bonnie New Family Fund

Noblelight Foundation

Oceano Azul Foundation

Oceans 5

Nina Orville and Ed Nammour

Pace Prints

Vaso Petsagourakis

David Peyton

Isabel and Scott Phillips

Pinterest Employee Giving

John and Alicia Pittard

The Powell Foundation

John Pritzker Family Fund

Aaron Rashti Family Foundation

Redline Capital (UK) Limited

Lisa Renstrom and Robert M. Perkowitz

Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc.

Robert Richardson and Candace Allen

The River Birch Fund

B. T. Rocca, Jr. Fund

Tony and Kyra Rogers Foundation

Daniel Rubinfeld

Salomon Family Foundation

The Schauble Family Foundation

Katherine Seligmann

James and Chantal Sheridan Foundation

The Shifting Foundation

Matthew Shucker

Jeff Shute

Elizabeth Skavish and Michael Rubenstein

Jeffrey and Mary Smith Family Foundation

Smoke Rise Foundation

The Spurlino Foundation

The Barry S. Sternlicht Foundation

Steven and Alexis Strongin


The Haeyoung Kong Tang Foundation

Bob and Sandra Taylor

David and Nancy Thacher

Thanksgiving Fund

Flora L. Thornton Foundation

The Laney and Pasha Thornton Foundation

Tundra Glacier Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation

The Elsie P. van Buren Foundation

James P. Verhalen Family Foundation

Sue Wagner and Neal Leonard

The Wallace Genetic Foundation

Water Foundation

Alan and Charlotte Waxman

Cora Weissbourd and Asher Anolic

Kate and Al Werner

Philip O. Wheatley

The Wiancko Charitable Foundation

Greg and Jane Widroe and family

Wild Thyme Fund

James and Pamela Wilson

Abigail and Adam Winkel

The Winston Foundation

Stephen Wolf

Pam, Lyn and Joe Wolfe in Memory of Ruth S. and Ken Wolfe

Deann Wright and Luke Evnin

Alan and Irene Wurtzel

Bea and David Zack Memorial Fund

18 anonymous donors

Gifts of $10,000 or more


The Abell Foundation

Walter and Alice Abrams Family Fund of The Boston Foundation

Acorn Hill Foundation in memory of John Culbertson

Agler-Rice Family Foundation

AHB Foundation

Patricia Ahlbrandt

Sandra Ambroff

Dallas & Louise Anderson Foundation

Harold C. Appleton

James Aresty

Ariko Family Foundation

Beverly Armstrong

Isabel Arnone

Gary L. Aten

Kym Aughtry

Tom and Emilie Babinski

Alita Bagley

Beth and Steve Bangert

Barbara Barna

Tom and Currie Barron

Fredrick H. Barth Foundation

Tom and Johanna Baruch

Wendy Beach

The Beattie Foundation

Andrew and Audrey Belomyzy Charitable Trust Fund of Gulf Coast Community Foundation

Jeff Benjamin

BeP EarthWise Foundation, Barbara E. Parish and Gary Roberts

Thomas and Jana Bergdall

Jill H. Berliner

David Bills

Emily Bingham and Stephen Reily

Craig Bitterman

Black Dog Foundation

The Black Dog Private Foundation Inc.

The Blumenthal Foundation

Jacob Bluestein Foundation

Helen Bodian and Roger Alcaly

Craig Bowman

Boyer Foundation

William Bradley

Adean Bridges

Jane Brock-Wilson

Ruth H. Brown Foundation

Rev. and Mrs. C. Frederick Buechner

Elaine Burke

Susan Okie Bush

Claire and Daniel Caine

Scott and Amy Canute

Betty J. Carl

Barbara Cavalieri

The Cedar Tree Foundation

Ceres Charitable Foundation

Rob and Marcia Chaffee

Brad and Sara Chandler

Stephen Charles

Joshua Cheng


Susan Cherry

Darlene Chirman

Genie and Niel Christiansen

William Coder

George Cogan and Fannie Allen

Ellen and Casey Cogut

Charles F. Cohen

Colwell Family Charitable Giving Fund

Marlies Comjean

Brian and Lucy Conboy

J-P Conte Family Foundation

Keith Cowan and Linda Walsh

William Cozean

Andrew Cruse and Dorothee Imbert

Cummings Christensen Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Curry in honor of Frank Loy

Mark Davidow

Andrea O. Dean

Matthew and Kacey DeBeer

Dennis Deck

Michael and Dudley Del Balso

Del Mar Global Trust

Leslie Deruntz

Rajnikant and Helen Desai

Douglas G. DeVivo

Timothy DeWolf and Cristina Campbell

Rowena Dodson and Roger Rosner

Margaret S. Donaldson

Joyce C. Doria

Marta and Brian Drew

Ann and David Duey

Jennifer Durning and Geoff Tennican

Alan and Lisa Dynner

Eliza and Timothy Earle

George Eberstadt and Cynthia Young

The Educational Projects Foundation

The Effenesse Foundation

Elbaz Family Foundation

Tom and Nancy Ellis

The Esmond Nissim Foundation

Ferencz Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Linda S. Flower

Natalie L. Fondriest

John and Laura Foster

Martha Fraundorf

Caitlin Freeman

Geoffrey C. Garth

Margaret Garvey

John Gebhards

Frances Ginsberg

Joshua Golden

Heather G. Gordon

Joyce Green Family Foundation in memory of Joyce and Roger Green

Nicholas and Marjorie Greville

John A. Grove

Growing Tree Foundation

Barbara B. Gruver

John and Olga Guttag

Randall and Mary Hack Foundation

Floyd and Charlotte Hale in honor of Mary and Warren Lanier

Deborah Halliday

Hamill Family Foundation

Joseph and Sally Handleman Foundation Trust A

Richard and Lonna Harkrader

Joseph H. Harris, Jr.

Marjorie and Gurnee Hart

Alice Hill

Darcy Hitchcock and Dale Graham

Carol Hjorth

The Holborn Foundation

Augusta Brown Holland

Mark Holland

Alison Holtzschue and Douglas Schloss

Holzworth Family Fund

John M. Horner

Lola Lloyd Horwitz

Howell Family Charitable Fund

Linda Hugues

Catherine Ireland

Kristine Ives

The Richard and Natalie Jacoff Foundation

Meredith James

Michael and Susan Jamesson

Elizabeth C. Janeway in memory of Harold W. Janeway

The JCT Foundation

Jeniam Foundation

Jean and Arthur Jerbert

The Jockey Hollow Foundation Inc.

Richard P. Johnson

Robert L. Jones

Felicia Kahn

Morton and Merle Kane

Linda Kaumeyer and Tom Hart in honor of Cooper Henry Taylor

Edward Keiderling

Kathleen Kennedy

Liza Ketchum and John H. Straus

Robert King

James and Peggy Knapp

Eric and Tomoko Knauft

Sally Kornblith

David Kozak

The Kroon Foundation

Mr. Fred Krupp and Ms. Laurie Devitt

Joan F. Lane

Murray and Deborah Lapides

Patricia Larkin

Brian Lauderdale

Randy and Mari Lee

Leestma Family Foundation

Phoebe R. and John D. Lewis Foundation

Sally Lewis

Blair and Brian Lichter Charitable Fund

Roger and Florence Liddell

Christine Lieu and Stanley Hu

Frederick J. and Marcy Trent Long

The Longhill Charitable Foundation, Inc.

The Looker Foundation

Richard D. Lynton

Tom Wallace Lyons

Scott and Carla MacLeod

Nancy Maizels and Alan Weiner

Myra Malkin

Mann-Paller Foundation

Richard and Nancy Matthies

Howell and Sharon Maxwell-Ferguson

Robert W. McDonnell

Bruce McIntyre

The Meeker Rom Family Foundation

Richard Meier Foundation

Melling Family Foundation (Utah)

Marcia Mellinger and John McAlvay

Maria Menendez

Mesoamerican Reef Fund

Micah Philanthropies

Christopher Miller and Catherine McNamee

MLE Foundation, Inc.

Zachary Moore

Thomas and Lydia Moran

Mrs. Nancy E. Mores

Sandra J. Moss

David and Alice Mount

MRB Foundation, Inc.

Frederick Mulder Foundation


Margaret T. Munch

Susan Nelson-Benway

Peter Neumeier and Gillian Taylor

Olson Family Foundation

The Vivian and Paul Olum Charitable Foundation

Lida Orzeck

Overhills Foundation

Daniel and Amy Palladino

The Parke Family

The Partnership Foundation

John Peterson and Mary Vander Maten

Susanne and John Peterson

George D. and Kristina Emanuels Phipps

Sharon Piekarski

Wendy Pirsig

The Pizzo Family

Blayne Plummer

Martin R. Prince

J. Crayton Pruitt Foundation

The Racoosin Family Foundation

Kent Radspinner

Brian and Sherry Ramsay

Bob and Amy Rands

Martha Records and Richard Rainaldi

Remmer Family Foundation

The Migsie and Gar Richlin Foundation

Alexander and Claire Ridings

Paul and Carolyn Rizza

Sheila Rizzo

Stephanie and Mark Robinson

Gay Rogers

Eric Ross and Nicole MacNeel

Jack and Lynne Rosser

James Rudick

Shirlie and Mark Salick

Sand County Charitable Trust

Frank Sandy

Lily A. Sayre

Matthew Schenker

Barbara Schilling and Richard Carr

Judith D. Schlesinger

Robert Schloss and Emily Sack

Schollmaier Foundation

Ed and Mary Schreck Foundation

Jocelyn and Peter Schultz

Stanton and Marianne Schultz

Claudia Schweikert and Jeff Tangney

Seltzer Family Foundation

Mary and Charles Sethness Charitable Foundation

Allan Shedlin Foundation Inc.

Shield-Ayres Foundation

Barbara Shively

Ms. Sandra J. Shorenstein and Mr. Gregory J. Kuhn

Ben Short

Anne F. Slichter

Smith Family Legacy Foundation

Bill D. Smith

Vivian and Harry Snyder

Dr. Barbara Sollner-Webb and Mr. Denis Webb

Samantha Solomon

Vicki Sommer and Tom Gregory

Sandy Spears

Jim F. Spevak

Lee Sprague

George and Judith Stevens

Barbara Stiefel

Katherine Stookey

Amanda Strominger

The Stuart Family Foundation

Sustainable Solutions Foundation

Joyce and Steven Tadler

Tricia Takacs and Ron George

Jason Targoff and Marcella Anderson

The Margaret and Jack Tarver Foundation

Richard and Judith Taylor

Samuel Test

William and Joyce Thibodeaux

Nell Thomas

Jason and Nerija Titus

Truvvo Wealth Management in honor of Jeanne Donovan Fisher

Alex and Nell Twining

Richard D. Urell

Daniel and Dianne Vapnek

VBS Foundation

Robert and Wendy Vishny

Willa Warren

Margaret B. Watkins

Howard and Mary Ann Watrous

Brendan Watt

Bill Weaver

Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund

Frederick Weitz

David and Ahlene Welsh

Robin Wendler

Sara E. Werder

Peter and Linda Werner

Putney and Anne Westerfield

The Milton and Beatrice Wind Foundation

Nancy Hamill Winter

Tom Wolfe and Pat Powers

Jasmine Wong

Mary Worman

John Anthony Wright and Ada Frasca-Ponce

Patricia A. Yingst

Mark and Katherine Young

Jeffrey and Elisha Zander

James Zetzel and Katharina Volk

Scott and Samantha Zinober

Sharyn and Gail Zunz

31 anonymous donors

Gifts of $5,000 or more

Kenneth Abrams

The David and Joyce Ackerman Fund

Jon Adams and Pamela Conover

Stanley and Mary Adelstein

AKILA Eyewear

Janet Alderton

Marilyn and Donald Allan

F. Towne Allen and Linda Portnoy Allen

Melissa C. Andrea

Lester S. Andrews

Pamela Andrews

Dominic Antonacci

Applewood Seed Company

Arbor Rouge Foundation

Joanna Arch and David Andorsky

ARIA Foundation

K. Armitage

Johnny and Karen Armstrong

Torrey and Thomas Asp

The Assael Foundation

Douglas Austin

Averill Babson and Gregory Sohns

David Bacher

Sydney Backstrom

John Bakalar in honor of Regina and Luke Bakalar

Diana and Joffre Baker

Mr. Albert J. Balducchi

Dale L. Ball

Jill Ballesteros

The Wes and Victoria Bannister Charitable Fund

John Barnaby

Linda Barr

Sylvia Bartay

Diane Bastan

Frank Bastian

Dean Batchelder

John Baylor and Pama Heikes

Bear Gulch Foundation

Stephen Beili

Todd Belt

Wendy W. Benchley

Nuri Benet and John Pierce

Mark and Pat Benjamin

Cecilia Benner

Paul Berg

Eric Bernum

Linda Bickham

Susan and Thomas Blandy

Maria Bluestein

Peter Boerma

Pamela Boll

Merry Bolt

Trevor Bond

Colleen M. Bondy

Beverly Bone

H. K. Bradford Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation

Briar Branchmoore

Alan and Madeline Brattesani

Daniel and Ellen Briggs

Barbara Broderick

Mark and Judith Brodsky

Carolyn Brody

Brose Hie Hill Foundation

Franta Broulik

Kathy and Travis Brown

Suzanne Bryant and Sarah Goodfriend

Margaret Buckman

Kirsten Burger

Jeffrey Byam

Joseph Byrd

John and Elizabeth Caflisch

Stephen Cahnmann

The Cappetta Family Foundation

David and Mary Carlino

Sherman Carll and Jane Tant

Mary Carmody

Janet Carpenter

Barbara Carroll

John and Nancy Cassidy

Matt and Meggan Chadsey

Barbara Chu

Gina Cirone and William Petersen

Jean M. Clark

Kelly and Jane Clark

Bernadette Clavier

Susan Everdell Clippinger and Ross Everdell

William Cochran

Arielle Cohen and Yugo Nakai

Fred Colby

Stephen Cole

William and Marjorie Coleman

John and Ann Collier

Louise Conley

Matthew Corban

Amy Corron and Arthur Pike

Gayle Countryman-Mills

Nathaniel Cree

Robert L. Crowell Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey

CSP Foundation

Roberta Darby Curits

Robert and Leslie Cutler

Isaiah and Kelly Damron

Danem Foundation

The Daniel Legacy Foundation

Carolyn and Gordon Davidson

James Davidson

Marty Davis

Nancy Davis

Donna DeDiemar and Christopher Hamilton

Ruth DeFries, Ph.D.

David Deutsch

Alice DiNisco

The Edward and Rose Donnell Foundation

Cindy and Doug Donohoe

Downeast Conservation Foundation

Kathleen Doyle

Ellen Dreiling

Amy Dresner

Driver Family Foundation

Dylan Drop

Drummy Charitable Trust

Karoline Dunne

Karen Durlach

John and Sybil Eakin

James and Nancy Eastman

Walter and Ursula Eberspacher Foundation

Linda and Jerome Elkind

Peter Ellis

Mark Erickson and Deborah Bock

Fritz Erismann

Olga Reyes Estrada

The Eubanks Memorial Trust

Steve Euller and Nancy Roehr

Nancy Evans

Robert S. Fabry and Susan M. Taylor

Fair Share Foundation

Jeffrey Fearon, M.D.

Robert Feyen

Joan Fleming

Irvine and Elizabeth Flinn

Michael Flynn

John and Marie Foley

Gregory Foote

Stephen and Rosamund Forrest Family Foundation

Molly Forstall

Robert and Joyce Foster

Franklin Philanthropic Foundation

Edward and Ruth Friedman

Justine E. Frischmann

E. Marianne Gabel and Don Lateiner

Mario Gabelli in honor of Fred Krupp

Sam Galambos

Katharyn Garcia

Barak Gaster

Scott and Jessica Gerber

Terrence Gerlach

The Gesher Family Foundation

Bonnie Glisson and Robert Warner

Annelise Goldberg and Aaron Roland

Noah Goldberg

William and Linda Goldman

Oliver and Barbara Goldstein

Good Hand Foundation Corp.

Chris Goodwin

Philip Gordon

Graber Family Foundation

Margaret Graff and Richard Higgins

Victoria and James Granade

Nancy T. Gray

Philip and Susan Greenberg

Elaine F. Greene

The Stewart and Constance Greenfield Foundation

Andre Gregory

Cornelius Grove

Alan Grumet and Sonia Lee

Natalie and Jeremy Haar

Michelle Halbur

Daniel Taner Halicioglu

John and Carol Hamilton

Daniel and Caroline Hamlin

Gail and John Hanson

Beverly Hargraves

Gaye Harkins

Charles Harrell

Janine Harty

Irmy Haugen

Mary Hayden

HCD Foundation

Roger Heegaard

Bill and Barbara Heil

Simon Helberg and Jocelyn Towne

Barbara Henagan

Lynn and Rick Hendricks

Louis Herskowitz

Virginia Hieber

Mary Hilles

Kristin and Scott Hirsch

Stephen and Emily Hirsch

Eric A. Hirst

Margaret M. Hixon

Robert L. Hoguet, III

Olivia Holding

Linda and Michael Honigfort

Carrie Hooten in honor of Randy and Mari Lee

Mark Houghton

Michael and Dawn House

John Huddleston

Peter and Deborah Hunsberger

Shirley F. Hunt

Jeremy A. Hylton and Tara G. Gilligan

Douglas Ihde and Melissa Mills

Ann Ingersoll

Gray Jacklin

Herrick and Elaine Jackson

Sulara James

Edward Janusz and Susan Surova

JES Avanti Foundation

David Johnson

Leslie Johnson

Daisy Jones

Albin and Nancy Jubitz

Norma Kafer

The Joan and Mike Kahn Family Foundation

David Kalt

Dale S. Kammerlohr

Jennifer Kawahara

Robert Kelly and Lisa Butler

Drew and Cecelia Kelso

Linda Keogler

John Kern and Valerie Hurley

The Key Foundation

Jeanie and Murray Kilgour

Paul and Judith Kindel

Elizabeth W. King

The Kirby Family Foundation in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John H. T. Wilson

Robert Kirby

Mary Ellen Klee

Tom and Kate Klein

Kevin Kopczynski

Mark Kreher

Mrs. Dianne Krumsee

Bart and Patricia Krupp

Gregory M. Kunert and Carol A. Watson

Melinda Kurtz

Max Lagally

Luis and Lee Lainer

David and Ellen Lake

Robert and Vivian Lamb

Emily Landecker Foundation

The Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation

Baye and Michael Larsen

Carolyn Lattin and Venkat Venkatraman

Kin Pong Lee

Dr. Pauline Lee

Joan T. Lehman

Joan Lewis and Harold Lewis

Mr. Peter R. Lewis

Ronald Libby and Janene Miller

William and Nancy Lifland Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Michael Lin

Peter and Beverly Lipman

James and Roberta Littlefield

Lyn Lockhart-Mummery

William F. Logan

Daniel Lollar

Felicia Lowery

Deborah Lucas

James Luce

Daniel Ludwig and Anne Leone

Bret Lyon and Sheila Rubin

Macari Foundation

Marquis George MacDonald Foundation, Inc.

The Chris and Melody Malachowsky Family Foundation

Barry Malter

David and Deborah Marcus

Gerald Marinoff

Thomas and Elizabeth Markowski

Jonathan Marshall

Robert and Doretta Marwin

Royceann Mather and Andy Lee Prosser

Mrs. Thornton Matheson

The Mathews Family Charitable Fund

T. D. Mathewson

Mattlin Foundation

Anjali Maus

David McCabe

David McCarty

Barbara McLellan

MCS Foundation

Cynthia Menkes in memory of her family

Paula D. Merritt

Mesdag Family Foundation

Anne Meyer

Joyce Meyers

The MGDC Apgar Foundation

Francine Miller

Mario and Dana Morino

Lloyd and Mary Morrisett

Jenny Morton and Mike Wilson

Mountcastle Fund

Joseph Mueller

Patrick Mulroney

Catherine Nardone

The John and Shirley Nash Foundation

Harriet Natsuyama

Frank and Allison Navarro

Arthur C. Nielsen Jr. Family Charitable Trust

Ruprecht and Elizabeth Nitschke

Mary Noble

Linda Nolten

Nordic Structures

Amy North

Leslie O’Loughlin

Peter O’Neill

The Oregon Community Foundation

Patricia Orlosky and Jerry Kilpatrick

Judy Ostendorff and Ronald Jensen

Erin Overstreet

Bob Page

Robert and Jane Parker

Barbara Parkman

Parnassus Investments

PECO Foundation

Randy Peeler and Kate Kellogg

Phoebe Peterson

Matt Pharr

Daniel Pinkel

Eugene Pinover dedicated to Hannah Pinover

Penelope and Xavier Pi-Sunyer

M. Piuze Foundation

Edna H. Platte

Demetrius Pohl

Virginia and Steve Pollack

Marie Poos

Lester Poretsky Family Foundation

Lila and Brooks Preston

Irina Privorotskaya

Sara Quinlan

Erik and Kendra Ragatz

Nancy J. Reed

Carol Rehn

Kathleen Reichs

Jean Renfield-Miller

William and Eleanor Revelle

Greggory Riehm and Caroline Vannatta

Richard Riffel

Richard Robbins

Sheila Robbins

Dwight Rogers and Margaret Gillespie

Judy and Don Rogers

Martha M. Rogers

Michelle Rogers

Hans Rollema

David and Elizabeth Rome

Bruce and Lori Laitman Rosenblum Family Fund

Ingrid Rothbart

Charles Rubey

Helen K. Ruskin

RZ Foundation

A & J Saks Foundation

Sandpiper Fund, Inc.

Joshua Saxe and Hillary Sanders

Scheuring Family Fund

Matthew Schneider

Thomas Schnitzer

Michael Schubmehl

Sara Lee Schupf

David Schwartz and Tonia Wisman

Michelle Schwartz

Sarah and Adam Schwarzschild

SEB Charitable Fund

George and Carole Seger

Stephanie Sellars

Kay Serrurier

Susan Shane

David Shapiro

Elizabeth Shattuck in memory of George G. Montgomery, Jr.

Mary Ellen Sheehy-Reed

Carolyn Shettle

Gautam Shine

Conrad Shultz and Maia Hoover

David J. Skar

Susan Skog

Nell and Chris Smith — The Longview Foundation

Edwin S. Soforenko Foundation

Solares Family Fund of Oregon Community Foundation

Travis Solberg

Mary Lou Solecki and Timothy Wendt

Robert and Joanne Solem

James and Camille Spar

Robert and Leslie Speidel

Sarah Spencer

Matt and Marnie Spiegel

Lowell Spring

Norton Starr

Stegman Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Gretchen Stengel

Nicholas Stephens

Lynn Stern and Jeremy Lang Family Foundation, Inc.

Stone Family Trust

David Stone

Suwinski Family Foundation

Jeff Swartz

Tim Sweeney

David and Robin Sweet

Stephen P. Synnott

Dennise Templeton

Evan Thompson

Bruce and Penny Thron-Weber

Enos and Muriel Throop

Daena Title

T. Toole and Amy Toole

Christopher Tower

Mark and Kimberly Tsocanos

Tudor Family Foundation

Rodham Tulloss in memory of Sarah Elizabeth Tulloss and Mark Hutchins Tulloss

Uberoi Foundation

Sarah and Jim Umberger

David and Lydia Vandenbergh

Raymond Van De Riet

Lenita and Henk van der Werff

Margo VanHeusden

The Michael and Rebecca Vest Foundation

William and Sharran Warren

Linda Washburn

The Weil Family Foundation

Christopher Weil

Paul J. Weissman

William Wells

Ann and Carden Welsh

Amy Wendel

Garret Weng

J. Michael West

Mariquita West

Ed Westmeyer

The David F. and Sara K. Weston Fund in memory of Alice Weston

Whispering Bells Foundation

The White Pine Fund

Robert and Tona White

James Whitlock

Jeffrey Wihtol

Kirby and Amy Wilcox

Kenneth and Lois Wildrick

Jeffrey P. Williams

Joan Williamson

Dennis Wilwerding

Dale Winter and Emily Russell

Bill Wofford Innovation Fund of the Triangle Community Foundation

Kenneth P. Wong

Carolyn Wood

James H. Worth

Janet Young

Margaret Young

Miriam and Robert Zadek in honor of Sue Mandel

Sarah Zerr

John Ziegler

Kai Zinn

33 anonymous donors

Osprey Legacy Society

These supporters made first time legacy commitments by including EDF in their will, trust, or other long term financial plans between October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021.

John Aamodt

Sharla Aaseng

Don Abbott

Cora Abel

Cindy Abrams

Patricia Ackor

Kathryn Adams

Eric Adler

Betsy Agle

Salim Akrabawi

David Albenda

Fran Albright

Noni Allerdice

Joseph Allotta

Anita Altenbaumer

Stan Altschuler

Sandra Ambroff

Frank Amodio

Joan Anderson

Vincent Anderson

Burton Angrist

Barbara Anson

Mary Antes

Harold Arbo

A. J. Armstrong

Christina Armstrong

Bruce Arnold

William Arthur

Christopher Arvani

Nina Ashurst

Elinor Bachrach

Richard Backus

G. Leonard Baker, Jr.

Sylva Baker

Nelson Balcar

Jill Ballesteros

Rainette Bannon

Caryl Baron

Peggy Barrett

Elinor Barron

Klemens Barth

William Bartley

E. Basch

Frank Bastian

Richard Bauder

Kathleen Bayn

Gary Bea

George Beach

Larry Beans

William Beck

Catherine Becker

Patricia Beckjord

Jan Beilhart

Katalin Bencsath

Charles Bender

David and Sheila Bennett

Keith Bennett

Charles Bensonhaver

George Benz

Elliott Berenson

David Berg

Phyllis Bergman

Donald Bergmann

Marjorie Bernknopf

Nessa Bernstein

Mark Beverage

Lynda Bezdek

Virginia Bievenour

Carol Biggs

Miriam Birch

Terrance and Sherri Birkeland

Lee Bishop

Carolyn Bittner

David Blackman

Dorothy Block

Sandra Blum

Phyllis Blumberg

Barbara Boelter

Rebecca Bohde

John Boidock

Ron Bonig

Stephen Bookin

Ann Borelli

William Boss

Sandra Boston

Winfred Boyer

William Braithwaite

Vincent and Rosemarie Brancato

Beth Branthaver

Wendy Branton

Sara Braunstein

Susan Braunwald

Constancia Brecht

Bruce Brenner

Byron Brewer

Alice Brockhouse

Robert Broersma

Michael Brokaw

Kathleen Brown

Robert Brown

Stanley Brownstein

Carol Bruml

Winston Brundige

Marda Buchholz

Michael Buckley

Sherrie Budde

Sheila Bunting

Hugh Burgess

James Burgin

Peter Burkard

A. Patricia Burnes

Janet Burns

Priscilla Burns

John Burtis

Kenneth Button

Ruth Cahn

Nancy Cameron

Anne Campbell

Mary Campbell

Thomas Canfield

Thomas Carbaugh

Barbara Cardinal-Sorge

Ian Carlis

Karen Carothers

Carol Carr

Lawrence Carr

Sandra Carr

Frank Carrano

Christin Carter-Su

Drucilla Carter

Patricia Cassimatis

Kicab Castaneda-Mendez

Peter Castro

Judith Cato

Jane Cavanaugh

Lynn Cerny

Carl Chaboudy

James Chace

Albert Chambers

Jeffrey Champagne

Elsie Chan

Stephen Chapel

Tansy Chapman

Ronald Check

Thomas Christen

Susan Christie

Rosalie Cieply

James Clark

Sandra Clark

Roger C. Clarke

Lorna Cleary

J. Cleveland

Denis Clifford

Antoinette Cline

Jon Closson

Mary Coan and Greg Paulsen

Irwin Cohen

Morty Cohen

Gary Cole

Bonnie Compton

Brian and Lucy Conboy

Douglas Congdon

Valerie Conner

C. David Cook

Louise Cook

Renee Cooley

Deborah Cooper

Dianna Cooper-Ribner

Deborah Coplin

Cal Cornwell

Joseph Cowen

Jean-Noel Cozon

Joseph Cramer

Betty Craven

John Cremin

Linda Cress

Ann Crossey

Linda Crouch

Kenneth Crowell

Lawrence Crum

Daniel Cumings

John Cummings

Janette Cunningham

Phyllis Currans

Mona Curts

Anne Cushwa

Joy Cushwa

A. L. Custred

David Cywinski

Marilyn Dailey

Robert Daniel

Howard Davidson

Robert Davidson

Jill Davies

William Dean

Michael Dearing

Kris Debye

Dennis Deck

Linda Deckard

James Delman

Linda DeLuca

Gloria DeVictoria

Robert Diamond

Wendy Dickerman

Sallie Dickinson

Richard and Nancy Dietrich

James Dimmick

Dale Dixon

Lowell Dodge

Marilyn Dodge

Judith Dolmatch

The Doran Family

Stephen Dorsi

Phyllis Douglas

Ronelle Dubrow Levin

Sally Dunn

Vivienne Dutzar

Kathi Dwelle

Bruce Dye

Mel Dyer

Scott Eastor

James Eckenrod

Ella Edwards

Darrell Egerston

Regina Einstein

John Elegant

Edward Elkin

James and Judy Ellingson

Christine English

M. Epps

Jacob and Louise Epstein

Jane Epstein

Rebecca Erickson

Lorna Estes

Andrew Fabens

Sheryl Fagin

Dennis Falk

Sigo Falk

Jennifer Fan

Nancy Faulkner

Bruce Ferguson

Joe Fiedler

Barry Field

Lynn Field

Curtis Fischer

Susan Fischer

James Fish

Paul Fishburn

Carol Fisher

Jack Fisher

Michael Fisher

Susan Fitzgerald

Michael Flanagan

Pam Fleischman

Virginia Fleissner

William Fletcher

Erin Flynn

Robert Fort

Elayne Fortgang

Jacqueline Foss

Dennis J. Foster

H. Dutton and Caroline D. Foster

Robert Foster

Anne Francis

Katherine Frankle

Diane Franklin

Roger Friedel

Thomas Frolik

Bernard Fry

Frances Fuchs

Jeryl Fuller

J. P. Gaffney

Joseph Gajewski

Richard Gammon

Frances Ganter

Philip Gardner

Jane Garratt

Clif Garrett

Bob Gaston

Gerald Geci

Arnold Gellman

Kenneth Gentili

Meta George

Samuel George

Susan Germaine

Margaret Gibson

Sharon Gilbert

Charles Gillespie

Katherine Goetzmann

Harvey Goldberg

Andrea Goldensohn

Marlene Goldman

Rhea Goldman

Susan Goldman

Andrew Goldsmid

Walter Goldwater

Jonellen Goodard

Rosemary Goodell

Marfy Goodspeed

Sue Goodstein

Margaret Gosselink

Howard Grabois

Gordon Graham

Victoria Granade

Kenneth Graupner

Nancy Gray

Jeffrey Green

Mary Green

Emily R. Greenberg

Janet Greenman

Maria Greig-Williams

Nicholas and Marjorie Greville

Sue Grosboll

Irwin Gross

Marcia Grossbard

Richard Grossman

Ann Grubbs

Jeannine Gurley

Henry J. Gwiazda, II

Lorraine and Richard Hagen

Georgia Hagerty

Andrea Haidle

Alexander Hall

Maureen Hall

Daniel Halperin

Kenneth Hamann

Kelly Hammel

Judith Hanks

Charles Hansen

Nancy Hanson

William Hardaway

Hilary Hargreaves

Mary Harman

Bruce Harper

J. Harrington

Alan Harris

George Harris

Barbara Harrison

Deborah Hart

Denise Hartman

Jamie Hartshorn and Michael Damer

Sandra Haskin

Anne Hatcher

Earl Hatfield

Marie Hauser

Donna Hawxhurst

Ann Hay

Georgia Hayashi

John Hazard

Anne Heacock

Judith Heffron

Georgienne Hein

James Heineman

Pat Heiser

William Helms

Paula Hencken

Henry Henderson

Gail Henley

Merrill Herrick

Patricia Herring

Garry and Kathleen Herron

James Hibbs

Sandra Hildner

Philip Hineline

Ric Hinkie

Robert Hirsh

David Hochstetler

Owen Hofer

Donald Hoffman

Richard Hoffman

Steven Hoffman

Gabriele Hoffmann

Ann Hollyfield

J. C. Holmes

Linda Holvik

Carol Horner-Braitman

Ken Howell

Camden Hubbard

Harriet Huber

Michael Huck

Brian Hudson

Robert Hull

Richard Humphrey

Larry Hungerford

Isabelle Hunter

Heather Hyde

Mark Hyde

James Iden

Wendy Illingworth

Ruth Ingraham

Roger Innes

Edmond Intrator

Nancy Irsfeld

John Irvin

Joanne Irwin

Carmen Isaac

Cecilia Iwane

Kenneth Janowski

Thomas Jech

Thomas Jefferson

Beth Jenkins

Sherry and Forest Jeppson Zitter

Arthur Jerbert

Danielle Jerry

Patricia Jessup

B. Johnsen

David Johnson

Sandra Johnson

Dewitt Jones

Lynne Jung

Peter Kallinger

Julia Kalmus

Dale S. Kammerlohr

Joel Kaplan

Helen Karl Charitable Lead Trust

Louise Karr

Sara Katz

Diane Kaufman

Katherine Lobach Kaufman

Sharon Kean

Wayne Kelly

Andrew Kempler and Brandon Vu

Cathy Kendrigan

Nancy Kenworthy

Ronald Kerans

Diane Kerly

Cathy Kessel

Elizabeth Kilb

Gerald Kilpatrick

Janet Kimmerle

Robert King

Howard Kirsch

C. Richard Kistner

Leonard Klappauf

Dr. Linda Kleinhenz

James Kleinrath

Joel Klotz

Bill Knox

Shari Kohne

Jerry and Marinna Kolaitis

Gina Koppel

Steven Koszarek

Pauline Kotin

William Kouth

Carol Koziol

Anthony Kramer

Vivian Kramer

B. Kreiser

Leonard Kroll

Arnold Krupat

Fred Krupp

Betty Kuhnert

Diane Kumley

Nancy Kurtz

Kenneth Kwidzinski

Georgina LaBerge

Kate Lacouture

Susan LaMay

Bill Lamoreaux

Kenneth LaMotte

Donna Lane

Kenneth Lang

Paul Langston

Evelyn Laux

A. Leckman

Marjorie Lederer

Deborah Lee

Linda Lee

Daniel Lemke

Yaffa Lerea

Joy Leventhal

Monica Levin

Ruth Levine

Sid Levine

Genevieve Lewis

Gregory Lewis

Mary Lewis

Susan Lewis

Judith and Hiram Li

John Liadis

Gloria Lieberstein

David Liebtag

Carol Lipschultz

Stanley Lipshultz

Dr. Marylin Lisowski

Roland Littlewood

Eric Lodge

Terrence Logee

Delores Logue

Daniel Long

Larry Lowenkron

Mark Lowenstein

Lorin Lowry

Judith Lucas

Kathleen Ludman

Mary Ann Lundy

Corinne Lyon

Timothy Mabee

Nancy Mack

Barbara Magin

Richard Maizel

Karen Malatesta

Richard Mamelok

Mary Manning

Darlene Marashlian

Daniel Mardesich

Diana Marek

Lawrence Markin

Elizabeth Markowski

James Marks

Peter Maronge

Susan Marquardt

Gregory Marsdale

Richard Marshall

Rebecca Martin

Robert Marwin

David Matlock

Juergen and Elke Matthaeus

Louisa Matthias

Martha E. Mattus

John Matzger

Mary May

Virginia Mayer

Charles M. Mc Kown Janeway

David McCabe

Tom McCabe

David McClenon

Pamela McClure-Johnston

Virginia McCord

Susan McCormick

Barbara McDonald

Randall McElrath

Michael McGee

Margery McIntosh

Daniel McKeen

Marilyn McKinney

Barbara McKittrick

Patty McLean

Carol McLear

Irene McMakin

Guy McNallie

Patricia McRoberts

Sherry Meador

Edward Mehigen

Susan Mehrings

Brenda Meisels

Thomas Mellem

Susan Mellman

Mark Mendelsohn

Susan Menendez

Richard Merrill

Meryle Merritt

Phyllis Meshulam

Teddi Metzer

Kenneth Meyer

Laverna Meyer

Beryl Michaels and John Bach

Marsha Michaels

Thomas Michaels

Gretchen Mieszkowski

John Militzer

Judy Millar

David Miller

Ronald Miller

Ann Millward

Eva Minckler

Renate Misenheimer

Leeanne Mitchell

Klaus Model

Geoffrey Modest

Catherine Moore

Dan Moore

Elizabeth Moore

Kenneth Moore

Gail Morgan

Russell Morgan

Brian Morrison

Daniel Morse

Blair Moser

William Moul

Michael Mullen

Albertina Murphy

Linda Murphy

Samuel Musa

Jack Myers

Lance Nagel

Marie Nardino

Summer Narloch

Beatrice Nemlaha

Dorothea Nesch

Richard Newmark

Christine Newsom, M.D.

Glen Newton

Mary Noble

Suzanne Noble

Nancy Noel

Richard Nolde

Louise Nora

Robert Norman

Edward Norton

Jerome Nosanchuk

Janet Novack

Lawrence Novey

Anne Oakes

Lorrie Odom

June Ogden

James O’Grady

Betty Ohr

Susan Olah

MJ Omens

Martin Ondrus

D. Oppenheimer

Lanny Ori

Rory Osborne

Patricia Oshel

David Osser

Hugh Overy

Rev. David T. and Jeanne Pace

Fay Pallen

Joseph Palma

Harvey Palmer

Joanne Pamperin

Eleanor Paradise

Iris Park

Jane Parrish

Sandra Paur

Deborah Payne

George Perlstein

Polly Peters

Philip Peterson

John Petro

Donna Pfouts

Elaine Phillips

Michael Phillips

James Pickerell

Scott Pierce

Karl Pierson

Sally Pinkstaff

Diane Pippin

Rosemary Plane

William Podolsky

Robert Pomerantz

Robert Popper

Laurence Porter

Yvonne Postelle

Janice Powalski

Judith C. Powelson

Carol Pozen

August Preschle

Roberta Pressman

Lunsford Richardson Preyer Charitable Lead Trust

Nancy Prine

Pamela Pritchard

Judith Provasoli

Grace Quinn

W. Quinn

Ronald Quist

Holly Quittman

Ronald Rada

Joseph Ramos

Bruce Randall

Cadambi Rangarajan

Diana Rarig

Paula Rau

Norman Ray

Joe Rayhill

John Redding

D. Reedy

Michael Reidy

Peter Reimuller

Jerome Reinhold-Shor

Jackie Relaford

ML Rhodes

Joan Richardson

Stuart Richel

Lee Rigg

Robert Rihala

Alan Ritch

Kathleen Roach

Lydia Robb

Edward Roberts

Pamela Roberts

Barbara Robinson

Robert Roemer

John Rogers

Stephen Rogers

Michael Rogoff

John Rohr

Michael Rokeach

Nancy Rosan

David Rosedahl

Daniel Rosen

Larry Rosen

David Rosenberg

Maurice Rosenstraus

Louise Rovak

Jerry Rubin

Jane Rubio

David Sabine

Frank Sandy

Mary Sanger

Peter Sapin

David Saunders

Debbie Sawyer

Paul Sawyer

Nancy Schanz

Ronald Scherer

Kathleen Schiff

Elaine Schiller

Benjamin Schmid

Joan Schneider

Donna Schrantz

James Schueler

Lawrence Schulman

Peter Schur

Patricia Schutjer

Margaret Scott

Sarah Scott

Stephen Scott

Janet Sears

Janice Selby

S. Senter

Josephine Senters

Laura Shaida

Milton Shapiro

Edward Sharman

Charlotte Shaw

Claudette Shaw

David Shaw

Penelope Sherrard

Susan and David Shevrin

Loretta Shirey

Barbara Shively

J. Shultz

Kenneth Siegel

Sheri and Paul J. Siegel

Martin Silberberg

Gerald Silverman

Howard and Martha Simonin

Ken Singer

Mary Singer

Helen Skeist

Nancy Skinner

Susan Sleichter

Joseph Smaldone

Betti Small

John Smeaton

Katie Smiley

Calvin Smith

Donald Smith

Gail Smith

Gary Smith

George Smith

Mary Louise Smith

Robert Smith

Sharon Smith

Lois Snedden

Linda Snider

Janice Snyder

Anne Southworth

James Speer

Peter Spelman

Janice E. Spencer

John Spencer

Gary Spivey

Thomas Stacy

Dahlia Stadtlander

Robert Stagman

Stephen Stancyk

Frank and Penny Starr

John Steinbrink

Karen Steingraber

Mark Stern

Carolee Stewart

Judith Stewart

Samuel Stewart

Carl Stillwell

Carolyn Stockman

Joan Stogis

Arlene Storer

Nancy Stowe Inui

Robert Strosser

Tom Stumpf

Libby Sukoff

Colleen Sullivan

Pamela Sullivan

Willis Sutliff

John and Janet Swanson

Timothy Swanson

Thomas Sweeny

Doris Sweet

Stephen and Margery Swigert

Linda Tabor-Beck

Alan Tarkington

Jeremy Taylor

Susan Taylor

Lynn Telford

Stanley Tenen

Richard Terry

Ray Testman

Debra Thomas

Mary Thomas

Patricia Thomas

George Thompson

James Thompson

Bruce and Penny Thron-Weber

Paulette Tidd

Miriam Tobey

Stephen Todd

Teresa Toolen

Anne Tracy

Gene Trapp

Jean Trine

S. Tromel

Barbara Clar Turner

Lauren Turney

David Tyson

Vernon Uchtman

Dale Uetrecht

Miriam Utter

Louise Van Horne

Mary Van Vleck

Sarah Vasse

Steve Velasco

Sherry Verplank

Patricia Visco

John Voegeli

Denise Wachtl

Peter Wade

James Wagner

Susan Wagner

Charles Walden

Chris Walker

Roy Walker

Dannie Wall

Ruth Ward

Hazel Warner

Marie Warner

Douglas Wartzok

Cynthia Warwick

Cheryl Wasserman

Sheryl Watson

W. Watts

Steven Wax

Mary Weaver

Sherri Weaver

Anne Webb

Judy Weber

Philip Weber

Gerald Wein

Barbara Weiner

Nancy Weisman

Rachel Werges

Ernest Werren

Jane Westerman

Myrt Westphal

Heidi Wetherall

William and Phyllis Whitesell

Carri Whitfield

Richard Whiting

Helyn Whitman

John Wilde

Elizabeth and Stephen Willey

John Williams

Louis Williams

Nancy Williams

Larry Williamson

Eugene Wilson

Harriet Winchenbaugh

Susan Wold

Bernard Wolfberg

Eileen Wolfe

Richard Wollaver

Duane Woltjen

Elizabeth Wood

Kay Woods

David Worley

Deadra Wright

Alan Wurtzel

Melvin Yasner

Bill Yeager

Alexander Yewtuck

Janet T. Young

Mark and Jan Young

Marlene Young

Helen Zakin

Gloria Zappia

Brenda Zody

Richard Zucker

Carolyn Zwicker

24 anonymous donors


EDF received gifts from the estates of these supporters during the fiscal year 2021. We honor the memory of these individuals and their exceptional commitments to the environment both during and after their lifetimes.

Dr. William A. Andersen

Sandra Atkinson

Christine Balkheimer

Peter Balkheimer

Cedric and Elizabeth Beebe

Eleanor Bogert

Elizabeth Bohn

Dale LeRoy Boyer

Helen Ladd Brackett

James C. Brice

The Estate of Phyllis Herndon Brissenden

Jill C. Bryson

William M. Burke

Sidney M. Burwell

Jeffrey Byers

Maureen S. Calvin

Elizabeth Carabillo

Michael K. Charles

June M. Clase

Carola Cohn and Dr. Stuart Cohn Charitable Fund of Community Foundation of Henderson County, Inc.

Caroline Colvin

Margaret Conell Charitable Remainder Trust

Patricia Cravens

John Czyscon

Denise D’Anne

Philip M. Dorrington

Elmer J. Dreher

Robert Dun

Richard and Jean Eckert

Mary M. Eldredge

Robert Feller

Richard H. Forbes

Richard Franz

James and Jacqueline Fredlock

William Friedlander

Evelyn A. Gaul

Marc Glixon

Caroline Goetzel Dudley

Marjorie Ann Hill Goss

Patricia (Zoe) Goughan

Janet C. Griffiths

Allan L. Habelson

Dr. F. Gentry Harris

William C. and Jeanne M. Hartranft Fund

Eugene C. Hunt Family Trust

Kathryn G. Janson

Patricia M. Johnson

Thomas J. Joyce

Sherwin A. Kane, Jr.

Stuart Kleimer

F. Richard and June R. Kramer

Robert J. Laskowski Foundation

Bertha Lewis

Lynn E. Lewis

Barbara M. Leyser

Edith MacGuire

In memory of Valerie Sue Margolis, beloved daughter of Jack and Jean Margolis

James L. Marshall

Dr. Sumner Marshall

Elsie Matlack

The Matyas Family Living Trust

Worthington “Bill” Mayo-Smith, Sr.

Jennifer McComas

Gwendolyn McCullen

Susan E. McKenzie

Ralph E. McLain

Denison McRell

Patricia L. Minnick

George G. Montgomery, Jr.

Daniel D. Morill

Jill L. Mueller

Judi O. Munn

Kathleen Ann Neary

Michael Nesbit

Herbert Nickel

Karen A. O’Dell

Joachim and Anneliese Opitz

Maxine Patton

Theresa A. Perenich

Alice Primm

Joan Prokop-Roberts

Theodora Raven

Allen and Nancy Reynolds

Eva A. Rhodes

Nancy Rosenthal

James Schoenemann

Robert F. Schumann Foundation

Joan M. Seiger Trust

Diane Serber

Howard and Barbara Shaw

Hans R. Signer

Robert C. Skakel

George V. and Jean A. Smith

Ben and Betty Sobin

Stephen St. Clair

Sherman Starr

Patricia C. Stein

Helen Fenneman Stocksdale

Alida Struze

Alan Talbert

William C. Tyler

Janet Vandenhout

Edna and Paulus Voelzke

John K. Wagers

Mary E. Walsh-Keuhn

Robert Wehle

Larry Westphal

Bernard E. Willie

Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust

2 anonymous donors

Government partnerships

We are partnering with the following government agencies and multilateral organizations:

• International Climate Initiative (IKI), Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
• KfW Development Bank

New Zealand
• Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

• Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
• Royal Norwegian Embassy in Brasilia

The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency

Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030

Singapore Government
• Ministry of Environment and Water Resources

United Nations
• United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
• United Nations Environment Programme
• The World Bank Group

United States
• California Air Resources Board
• California Department of Water Resources
• California Wildlife Conservation Board
• City of Houston, Texas
• National Academy of Sciences
• New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
• U.S. Agency for International Development
• U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
• U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory